A lawsuit filed in California Superior Court claims the use of the SAT and ACT tests is illegal for the University of California system. The case explains that standardized tests are biased and of little relevance when predicting academic success in college.
Mark Rosenbaum, an attorney working on this case explained, “The evidence that we’re basing the lawsuit on is not in dispute. What the SAT and ACT are doing are exacerbating inequities in the public school system and keeping out deserving students every admissions cycle.”
A spokesperson for the University of California system stated a faculty task force has been created to look into these assertions. Consequently, the system is “waiting for the assessment and recommendations” from the task force prior to “determining whether any steps should be taken on this important issue.”
Stay tuned everyone. This case has a long way to go and will almost undoubtedly be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court by the powerful standardized testing industry. Nonetheless, in today’s political climate, I wouldn’t be too quick to write this existential threat to the standardized tests as completely baseless.