Be prepared. It’s the Boy Scouts credo. At AdmissionsConsultants, we also believe in solid preparation.
The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll be and the greater your chance for success.
The links below were prepared by Barron’s GRE test prep and are chockfull of practical advice and practice exam questions. Bookmark it and visit it often. It will serve as an excellent preparatory tool for the GRE test. Please do not hesitate to call us at 1.800.809.0800 (+1 703.242.5885 outside the US and Canada) with your comments, suggestions and questions regarding the GRE test review.
General Information
GRE Preparation Tips and Advice
GRE Test Structure
– The Analytical Writing Section
One Issue Task
One Argument Task
– The Quantitative Reasoning Section
– The Verbal Reasoning Section
Click here to see our review of GRE test prep books and CD-ROMs.