What it means to be ‘on hold,’ how to plan for financial aid while waiting for that acceptance letter, and what you could do if you don’t get in.

Law School Waitlist
Almost every competitive applicant ends up on a waitlist at some point in the law school application cycle. What are you going to do if you end up on a waitlist?

Law School Scholarships and Financial Aid
We are frequently asked questions about scholarships and financial aid. Scholarships are usually awarded in one of three ways: based on need, based on merit, or based on a combination of need and merit.

What It Means to Be On ‘Hold’
When you apply to law school, you normally expect one of three decisions: admit, reject or waitlist. But there is another possibly as well: hold.

Off the Bubble and Into Your Target School
You’ve narrowed down your list of target schools and have begun preparing your application. You’ve got the LSAT coming up and have lined up your recommendations. So do you think you’ve got what it takes to get in? Or will you end up on the bubble?

Plan Law School Financing Now
It’s not too early for law school applicants to start thinking seriously about how they’re going to pay for their J.D. degree

Case Study: Putting Your Strengths in the Right Context
My client had graduated from one of the toughest programs in the country – a place that definitely does not practice grade inflation. His final GPA just topped 2.0. Unfortunately, his LSAT was about 163…

Case Study: Second Time’s a Success
Not too long ago, I had an applicant who had failed to get into any programs on his first try before coming to me. Because of this, we had to take a hard look at just what his application package was saying about him…

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