LSAT Logic Games Practice Questions

A technician is scheduled to visit six offices—K, L, M, N, O, and P. He will perform installations in three of the offices, and repairs in the other three. The order of the visits is subject to the following restrictions:

The technician does not perform two repairs in a row.
The technician visits O immediately before or after M.
The technician performs an installation on the fourth visit.
The visit immediately following the visit to M is an installation.
The technician performs a repair at L.
1) Which one of the following is an acceptable order of visits?
  1. K, P, N, O, M, L
  2. L, P, O, M, N, K
  3. M, O, P, L, N, K
  4. N, L, P, K, M, O
  5. P, O, L, M, K, N
2) If the technician performs installations at K, M, and P, then he could visit L
  1. second
  2. third
  3. fourth
  4. fifth
  5. sixth
3) Which one of the following must be false?
  1. The technician performs an installation in the first office he visits.
  2. The technician performs an installation in the second office he visits.
  3. The technician performs a repair in the third office he visits.
  4. The technician performs a repair in the fifth office he visits.
  5. The technician performs an installation in the sixth office he visits.
4) If the technician visits K fifth and N sixth, then at which one of the following offices must the technician perform an installation?
  1. K
  2. M
  3. N
  4. O
  5. P
5) If the technician visits L fifth, then which one of the following could be true?
  1. K receives an installation on the first visit.
  2. M receives an installation on the fourth visit.
  3. N receives a repair on the third visit.
  4. O receives a repair on the third visit.
  5. P receives a repair on the sixth visit.